Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Power of Saying "YES"

Throughout my whole life I have always found that I "spread myself too thin" and I find, in general, that my life always has about 1,00000 different things going on"

I find it extremely difficult to focus on ONLY one or two projects.

I'm like the Queen of "projects".

So the question I'm led to, time and time again, is why?

Do I love to "please" people?
Is it because I love doing everything?
Is it because I can't say no? Alternatively, is it because I love saying YES?

And so after much consideration, I decided, I AM A YES WOMAN!

Have you seen the film YES Man? Well here is the trailer if you have not:

The thing about being a "yes" person is you always get led down interesting roads full of opportunity, possibility and hope!

Plus, its FUN!

Instead of saying NO this week, try always saying yes!

See what happens and HAVE FUN!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Power of a Coach

I will maintain for EVER and always that no one NEEDS a coach but that everyone can benefit from one.

They can give you perspective, help you focus and MOTIVATE you in a way that you can't possibly do on your own.

Even Eric Schmidt of Google claims that "everybody needs a coach" (which you can check out by clicking HERE).

And if you are looking for a coach check out www.lifecoach.com