Thursday, June 12, 2008

Power of Choice

“Blanketed by an azure sky, the orange-yellow rays of the setting sun can, at special times, gift us with a moment of such considerable beauty, we find ourselves momentarily stunned, with frozen gaze” (Russel E. Dicarlo).

Whilst living in Edinburgh for the last four years I watched many sunsets on Calton Hill, an experience that resembles the words of Dicarlo, specifically the feeling of being momentarily stunned.

Last week, on my way up to visit Edinburgh I sat wondering if I would have the opportunity to experience the aforementioned beauty. At this moment I also decided that I would look at the city of Edinburgh and my past with a new lens. My aim became to soak up all my old memories, perspectives and visions while looking with new eyes.

The decisions I made on that train ride made the weekend a pivotal turning point in my life. I learned the power of CHOICE.

I consciously CHOSE that I would look at Edinburgh with the most POSITIVE perspective I could imagine, which I labeled COMPLETE OPTIMISM. There were several other perspectives I could have enveloped like “Sadness” or even “Reflection” but there was something so new and refreshing about COMPLETE OPTIMISM.

As a result of this choice, the weekend left a defining impact on my life. I went there with an open mind and left with a beautiful and life enhancing way of thinking.

In order to live out my new perspective I really had to get into it. In the coaching world we speak of something called ‘Geography’. Most of you are probably thinking that you know what that word means…but in the context of coaching it is slightly different. Coaches use the word Geography to describe the physical positions of our body, the way in which we feel in varying places and through different movement. These varying postures can have great impact on our emotions and feelings.

So, while I was there I used my geography by making sure I was OUTSIDE, walking around and embracing the city. I saw lots of people and was always conscious of the smells, weather and beauty that surrounded me. I noticed that I was fully in COMPLETE OPTIMISM when I walked with my sunglasses on, ipod earphones in and I thought about WHO I AM. I was not only at peace but I was FULLY present.

The back story of all of this is that I had a boyfriend throughout all of university and we broke up a few months ago. I could have easily gone back and been miserable. I COULD have chosen to wallow in my sorrows and feel the loss of my relationship. Instead, I CHOSE to take on a new perspective.

There is power in choice….IF you take advantage of that power. Otherwise, it controls you and you are left feeling “choiceless”.

As I sit here now I am beginning to realize that choice is one of the most empowering aspects of being human. It allows us to see options, perspectives and opportunities, and then DECIDE what is right for us. What else could be more empowering? When one feels down, they are choosing to be that way.

The best part about a sun setting is that the sun also rises. When one door closes, hundreds of windows open. On my last night in Edinburgh I was able to watch the sunrise for the very first time. As the sky turned a light yellowy pink and the sun peaked out from under the sea I felt change in myself.

Not to mention, I may have had a cute boy beside me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am constantely impressed by you and your wonderful way of looking at the world. X