Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Power of the OTHER 'Coach Quinn'

The term "coach" can be heard in many contexts but most often people naturally think of a sports coach. But, why am I bringing up a sports coach when I am a life coach?

Because, they are VERY similar.

Each and every time I explain what I do, a different answer comes out of my mouth depending on my audience. Naturally, I try to say something that the person can relate to.

Most often the following definition is well received:

A life coach is like a sports coach - they motivate you to get the most out of the task at hand. Tiger Woods didn't become the best golfer in the world by sitting at home on a couch thinking about golf. He got out on the course with a COACH and practiced.

Pat Quinn is known to many people as 'Coach Quinn' and I reckon him and I have a lot in common!

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