Monday, September 6, 2010

Power of Taxi Drivers and the “good’ thing

How much do you love taxi drivers? On a scale of 1-10…I would probably have given them a 6 (or even lower in Toronto).....

However, my view of taxi drivers changed last year when I was moving back to Toronto and stressed about leaving London. I was sad, confused and tired. Then I met Nadin. I told him about how I was feeling and he said, “After two minutes of being in my taxi, I promise, you will feel better”. Reluctant, I got in. Minutes later I felt like myself again.

We had a great conversation about life, happiness, sadness and all the trials and tribulations, but one thing he said will always stay with me.

He said, “The good about the good thing is that its good and you can enjoy it. The good thing about the bad thing is that sooner or later, it will end and it will turn into a good thing.”

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