Monday, August 13, 2012

Power of Time

It has been over one year since I last wrote a blog entry. ONE YEAR. That is a long time...right? or is it?

I was recently at a Tony Robbins event in San Jose when he said that people often OVER ESTIMATE what they can achieve in one year, and UNDER ESTIMATE what they can achieve in a decade.

Although in theory, 1 year seems like a very long time (and in practice too), I still find myself thinking I can change the world tomorrow. As you may have guessed, I haven't. Or have I?

Key highlights from May 2011 - August 2012:

I ran Akosia's first project in Mexico for a month.

I sent volunteers to run our third project in Ghana.

I was in New York City, Paris, San Miguel, Leon, Mexico City, Madrid, Toronto, San Jose, Siena, Tuscany, Bristol, Edinburgh, St. Andrews, London and probably a few more I have forgotten. 

I became the Managing Director of Prove My Concept

I spoke at the Social Good Summit in NYC last September as one of the eight startups changing the world. 

I watched one of my best friends, Chase, get married in Paris. 

I met with Lord Young at 10 Downing street. 

I left Prove My Concept one year later pursue other dreams and started a company called Graydin. 

I delivered a coaching training programme to a school in the UK and they LOVED IT. 

People died...a lot of people died. 

My friends had babies. A lot of babies. 

We often say that "time flies by"...but it really doesn't AT ALL. So much happens to us and it's whether we take a step back to acknowledge that, that makes all the difference.

So try it... Get Some Headspace and enjoy being YOU.

Just for a moment...cause remember time "flies".

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